Tuesday, 26 February 2008

Redesgning kalachithra.com

This post was supposed to be published in January as the first post of the 2008, but which somehow got postponed. Sadly, I’ve been not giving much thought and time to my blog of late. Not just that, I really missed reading the blogs that I have subscribed to for want of time. But from now on, I hope, I would be able to post at regular intervals.

So were you wondering what I’ve been busy with? I just finished working on a static website. Yes! Static websites are still in demand. At least, here in India it is so.

There are many people, organizations and small businesses out here that have just become aware that the web is a great place to spread some word about their work. Even if they did have a website it would be a pathetically old-fashioned table and frame based design which needs to be converted into a valid XHTML and CSS based one.I’ve done three static websites so far. One of which was a redesign.

The site is called kalachithra.com . The site owner Suresh is an artist. He has a vast collection of paintings which he wanted to display. A snapshot of his old site is given below:

Kalachithra old layout

This old site was made using Frontpage and had heavily used frames to contain the pages. No wonder that the pages of his site didn't feature much in the google searches. The brief was to totally change the look of the site, which you can see below:

Kalchithra new layout

Now after converting to a XHTML and CSS based design the site now has a fresh feel and it also features on the 1st page of google for the search keyword 'kalachithra'.

How do you evaluate this redesign?

Do let me know about your views through the comment box.

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